National first cable type hydraulic bridge plug technology into the social market
In November 18th, Jianghan Petroleum Engineering Logging Company quality and completed the new China geological survey of oil and gas resources survey center 3 cable bridge plug hydraulic perforating and well temperature logging construction tasks, m…
Module Flexible Powerful Tractor(MFPT)
APPLICATION: It’s used for log,perforation Bridge plug setting in horizontal well. FEATURES: Complete hydraulic structure, lower rate of trouble shooting and easy to maintain. Actuating with self-adapting capability, which can be suitable for t…
3月27-29日,一年一度的世界石油装备大会——第十八届中国国际石油石化技术装备展览会(cippe2018)将在北京顺义新国展举行。yh533388银河(展位号:W1358)将亮相本届展会。 yh533388银河坐落于昌平区中科云谷园,是国家及中关村双高新企业认证企业,取得了北京市科委及昌平科委的“研发中心”认证称号。公司拥有一批高级专业化人才,是集石油钻井、测井(电缆及随钻)、录井及井下测试等专用装备研发、生产、服务于一体的专业化公司。 yh533388银河科技建立了完善的技术研发团队及先进的设计标准…